Solved: UK Date Format Issue on a new Apple Mac with Microsoft Excel:mac 2008

An annoying issue (for UK users) is of the date format defaulting to US (MM:DD:YY) rather than UK (DD:MM:YY). This occurs when transferring to a new Apple Mac computer with a previously correctly working installation of Microsoft Excel:mac 2008 (from an older computer, but running the same version of OS X). In theory, there should be no change, but hidden somewhere in the setup of the new computer lurks something preventing use of the UK date format.

The problem shows itself when, in a new Excel worksheet, a date is entered, e.g. using the formula =TODAY() returns something like 11/22/16 (for 22nd November 2016) instead of 22/11/16. Worse, if an existing workbook is opened, which had previously  correctly UK-formatted dates, they are all changed to the US-variation. A particular ongoing problem is then generated when new dates are added to the sheet, as entering 1/12/16 is then taken as 12th January not 1st December 2016.

 It turns out that the issue manifests itself in any User account set up on the Mac computer EXCEPT the ‘Guest’ account, which mysteriously sets the date to the UK-format. Hence this provides the clue to solving the problem. After some searching and trial-and-error, I have identified that the issue relates to the absence of a key file:, which for some reason is not created when setting up a new User account (and may not be copied across if importing from another computer). Luckily this file is created when opening the Guest account, which can then be copied across to all required User accounts.

Here is a detailed summary of the procedure I eventually used to fix this date format issue:

  1. Create and open a Guest Account (if not already enabled, go to Users & Group Preferences)
  2. Go to the Library folder (it’s a hidden folder, so to find it, use Finder to go to the home folder, then select from the menu ‘Go:Go to Folder’ and type in ‘Library’)
  3. Go to the Preferences folder
  4. Make a local copy of the file: (e.g. onto an SD card, or external/cloud drive)
  5. Now open your desired User account
  6. Go to your Library folder (again it will be hidden, so find it as above)
  7. Go to the Preferences folder
  8. Copy the file: (from local storage) into this folder
  9. Quit Excel and then log out of your user account, and then log back in
  10. Next time Excel starts, UK date format will be correct!

Spares Solutions

Legacy Infrastructure Hardware Elements

Can we help you with sourcing any equipment or spare parts for old legacy or even new infrastructure systems?
Many customers are needing to keep systems and infrastructure maintained to prolong asset life. This is particularly important for ‘legacy’ equipment that is approved for use and very reliable but in many cases no longer manufactured.
So here’s the solution: speak to the team at YellowsBest about anything you need to source to keep your systems in operational service.

Equipment Types 

– telecommunications hardware infrastructure products
– technologies including optical transmission, PDH, SDH, C/DWDM, microwave radio, PMR / TETRA
– software solutions including OSS / NMS
– IT equipment including personal computers and server hardware
– ancillary equipment such as power supplies, filters, monitoring devices, consumables
– cabling, wiring looms and connectors

 Vendor Systems

– Alcatel / Lucent e.g. 1511 Max
– Apple e.g. PowerMac G5 / Pro
– Benning e.g. MCU1000
– Bosch e.g. DSK
– Brocade / Foundry e.g. 10G
– Ciena e.g. SM-A, CM-A
– Cisco e.g. ISR 4300 series
– ECI Telecom e.g. OPBFC
– Eltec e.g. AL 175 NT
– Ericsson e.g. OMS 846, 860, 870, 1600
– Ernitec e.g. M2504 M/2
– Extreme Networks e.g. Summit
– Keymile e.g. UMUX, UNEM, XMP1
– Huawei e.g. M1000
– IBM e.g. PS/2 Model 80
– Juniper e.g. SRX5400, EX3300
– GEC / Marconi e.g. SMA SDH
– MRV e.g. EM 316, 1600, 2003, 2004
– Newbridge e.g. MCP, CEB, TDS
– Nokia Telecommunications e.g. Dynanet PDH DM2 DB2 DN2, Synfonet SDH TSW0, NMS/10, NMS/100, DX220
– Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN e.g. Surpass HIG1100, HIE9200, HIQ8000 
– Nortel e.g. OTR, OCLD
– RAD e.g. Megaplex, ETX, ASMi, RADview
– Tellabs e.g. DM8, MX8
– Thomson e.g. Speed Touch
– Transmode e.g. MDU, OCU
– 3COM e.g. Baystack
Normally parts will be ‘2nd user’ working condition, where new items can no longer be sourced, but in some cases unused ‘last time buy’ surplus stocks or even remanufactured items can be supplied. 
Please check your services and solutions requirements. If there is anything you need, please contact us to discuss how we may be of assistance to your organisation.

Action4Asperger’s : 4 PowerMacG5 : 4 Minecraft

Computers 4 Minecraft

Action for Asperger’s were delighted to receive a donation of four Apple Mac Computers for their CyberHub. The main use is planned to be for their Minecraft club.


– The PowerMacG5’s needed setting up, removing the old user data and updating from an old version of MacOSX

– It initially appeared that Minecraft would not run on the old G5 systems since MacOSX development for those platforms ended.


The initial setting up of the PowerMacG5s took a surprising amount of time, since not everything was in order, with a mixture of old PC hardware and mice, cables, monitors, not all confirmed as working.

The computers had old user data and accounts, some with not-known passwords, meaning they couldn’t be booted into.

Most worrying was one of the PowerMacG5 computers had a sticky note saying ‘faulty – no hard-disk’. Fortunately, all the others had two drives each.

Two Apple ‘Cinema’ displays were included, at first one of them didn’t work, but it seems that it needed careful matching with the PSU as there were two types.

MacOSX ‘Leopard’ Upgrade

The last Apple operating system that works on the old PowerPC G5 computers is MacOSX 10.5.8 ‘Leopard’.

Fortunately, it was possible to create a suitable build from original install disks – a very handy fact is that 10.5.8 runs on both PowerPC and Intel Apple Computers, assisting with creating the build on a firewire portable disk. It was important to use a Firewire external drive, as PowerMacG5s will boot from an Firwire external drive (but not USB) by holding the ‘Alt’ key on power-up

Disk Utility was used to clear the one of the drives of one of the PowerMacG5s. Then CarbonCopyCloner was used to transfer the 10.5.8 build from the external drive to the computer.

Once the new build was transferred to one PowerMacG5 hard-drive, and whilst the external drive was used to upgrade another of the 4 computers, Disk Utility and CarbonCopyCloner was used to transfer the first computer’s primary to its secondary internal hard disk (handy it had two). This step helped to speed up the process, as once this disk copy was done, the secondary drives this computer and another of the 4 computers were swapped. Now two more build transfers could happen together.

The final step was to get the ‘faulty’ 4th computer to work. Opening it up and inserting the upgraded secondary drives from one of the other computers, it was possible to startup and set the boot drive, which brought it into operation. Even ran TechToolDeluxe which proved it was all ok.


Finding a version of Minecraft that works on the PowerPC G5 computers, even upgrade to the latest possible MacOSX 10.5.8 ‘Leopard’, took some considerable internet searching.

But happily, the 1.5.1 launcher was found and downloaded.

This ‘Legacy’ Apple Cider – PowerPC Minecraft Solution ‘legacy’ launcher allowed Minecraft to work on all the computers which also allows different accounts to network together, though it seems that they won’t interwork with PCs running a newer version. More investigation might be needed if this is desired in the future.

Finishing Up

The final step was to tidy up the ‘rats nest’ of cables and computers, discovering that some of the combinations of display, keyboard and mouse worked better together e.g. an apple mouse with a very short lead is a better fit with the apple keyboard which has a USB port.

All done, and the result was very satisfying indeed. Hopefully plenty of use will be gained from the updated ‘Cyber-hub’.

Photos of the upgrade project during its progress are on our Facebook page.

News and Views

This blog has been started for 2016 in order to add more information to the YellowsBest website in an informal manner. Always keen to receive feedback on whether anything else is needed.