Legacy mobile phones

The original ‘smartphone’ – Nokia Communicator

Remember way back in the late 90’s and early 2000s, when Nokia ruled the mobile phone market, they launched the Communicator series. Essentially it was the coming together of a mobile phone and a PDA, joined with a hinge that ‘opened up’ to reveal a full QWERTY keyboard and display screen. Always somewhat big and bulky, it initially was way ahead of anything else, offering phone, text, email and even fax communication.

Nokia E90 Communicator

The E90 was the last and most feature-packed variant, produced in 2008. More compact and powerful, it featured colour screens inside and out, video and photo cameras with flash, 3G telephony, Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, together with internet browsing, GPS maps, photos, video and music players, radio, clock, calendar, contacts and a file manager, plus games and the ability to install apps like quick office for document creation and spreadsheeting. In short, it had everything we’ve come to expect in a ‘smartphone’, lacking one key ingredient – a ‘touch’ screen.

Nokia E90
Nokia E90 (closed)

10 years on, it’s a testament to Nokia’s impressive build quality that it looks almost as good as new and still works as well as it did, though of course without the ability to pinch, zoom and swipe, and no ‘app store’. The photo and video quality now looks very basic, as do the limited number of games and apps; but it is possible to load it up with an up-to-date Opera web-browser and Google maps. The music player still works well, using a headset or in speaker mode, as does email and texts – and naturally it can still make telephone calls!

Nokia E90 Communicator
The original ‘smartphone’ – Nokia Communicator

The Nokia phone business itself didn’t fair so well, being eclipsed by the competition and then sold off, as recently well documented in “The rise and Fall of Nokia” (shown previously on BBC4, now on youtube) by Arto Koskinen. However, more recently Nokia phones have made a bit of a comeback, relaunched by HMD Global. Though probably no hope of a new Communicator model?!

Mobile phones for all – Nokia 5110 ‘featurephone’

If you can remember the 20th Century and the dawn of the mobile phone, then the Nokia 5110 maybe familiar. Introduced in 1998, during the period of Nokia’s seemingly unstoppable rise, and helped them become the world’s number one mobile phone producer, which they remained for the next 14 years.

Nokia 5110
‘Featurephone’ for all – Nokia 5110

This was the breakthrough when phones ceased to be ‘bricks’ (though still including an external antenna) and became mass-market devices that everyone could consider carrying, even just as an ‘emergency’ phone. Text messaging was included, though many people at the time couldn’t see what the point of that was: “its easier to just ring someone, isn’t it?” How times have changed! Plus it had a clock, calculator, and a choice of ring tones including the now famous ‘Nokia tune’. And Nokia introduced the world to ‘snake’, heralding in the era of mobile gaming. No app store yet, and ‘touch screens’ and even colour displays were still to come. But you could now choose the colour of the product; they didn’t have to be just black anymore!

'snake' game
Nokia 5110 – ‘snake’ game

The phones themselves were of the solid long-lasting construction that characterised the products of that time from the Finnish manufacturer, perhaps due to the harsh winter environment of home they were built to survive, which is why 20 years later, it still works! Looking back, the surprising thing is that despite its rugged nature, a case was often used, and given the (now, seemingly) impressive talk and standby time, it was quite usual to have a spare battery too. Perhaps that was because they were still seen as an expensive luxury, and given that ‘normal’ desk phones didn’t run out of power, ‘early adopters’ wanted to make sure they could always make use of their investment.

Legacy 'Featurephone'
Nokia 5110 with accessories

Much has since changed in the world of mobiles, such that they’re not even used much as just ‘phones’, and Nokia’s phone business itself came and went, though now being revived by HMD Global. On the cusp of the launch of a new ‘flagship’ model, the Nokia 6.1 plus, it’s also interesting to see the ‘re-introduction’ of some ‘classic’ phones, the 8110 and 3310, harking back to those early beginnings.

@YellowsBestLtd we’re always keen to hear from #business customers looking to maintain and keep operational “legacy” products and #enterprise equipment, as well as newer #systems, helping to source and supply spares, repair and support services so that assets and #technologies continue to serve and perform. Please get in touch to discuss your Management Services and Solutions requirements; we look forward to hearing from you.

Nokia, Marconi and Ericsson SDH – ‘Synfonet’, ‘SMA’ and ‘OMS’

‘Legacy’ Networks; long history, but still important and operational!

Back in the day, when PDH (Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy) was all there was for telecommunications optical and copper transmission, a familiar site was the ‘Multiplexer Mountain’.

PDH Multiplexer Mountain

Then came the new transport technologies: SDH (Synchoronous Digital Hierarchy) for high-speed digital communication (via optical fibre and radio links); and (D)WDM ((Dense) Wave Division Multiplexing) as an optical solution for raising the capacity of existing fibre networks (particularly when the fibre-count was limited).

Nokia launched the ‘Synfonet’ range as the big brother to their successful ‘Dynanet’ PDH portfolio, with SDH capacity of initially STM-1 (155MBit/s) and STM-4. Later came STM-16 and WDM.

Synfonet – STM-1/4
  • All in one subrack (REG, TM, ADM, DXC)
  • Wide range of tributaries
  • 64kbit/s cross-connection server
  • Upgradable from STM-1 to STM-4 while in service
  • Compact, flexible and easy to expand
Nokia Synfonet
Synfonet – STM-16
  • 2.5 Gbit/s, four times the throughput rate of STM-1/4
Nokia Synfonet
Synfonet – WDM
  • 4–channel multiplexing / demultiplexing
  • 8-channel multiplexing / demultiplexing
  • Up to 20 Gbit/s per fibre
Nokia Synfonet

But in 1999, Marconi Communications acquired (for over $100M) Nokia’s Synfonet brand, SDH and DWDM transport equipment products and about 120 staff from its Cambridge research and development business under the deal.

Inevitably over time Marconi rationalised their portfolio and the Synfonet range was discontinued, in favour of the SMA and MSH SDH equipment.

Business however took a downward path and in 2005 Ericsson acquired the key assets of Marconi (for SEK 16.8 billion). “Marconi” then became the registered trade-mark branding for Ericsson to promote these products, until phasing them out.

Marconi® Series 1 SMA1 Multiplexer
  • Flexible SDH Multiplexer
  • Terminal, Add/drop (ADM) or Digital Cross-Connect (DXC)
Marconi® Series 3 & 4 SMA Multiplexers
  • Full range of options, including size and power variants
  • SMA1, SMA4, SMA16c and SMA16c+ Series 3 models
  • Tributary interfaces from 2MBit/s to STM-4
  • SMA1/4, SMA1/4c, SMA1/4E and SMA1/4UC Series 4 models
  • Supports ATM and IP with enhanced data functionality
  • Metro access and metro core deployment, and customer premises
Marconi® SMA 16-64 Multiplexers
  • Advanced ADM, DXC and low-order aggregator
  • Delivers 2.5GBit/s and 10GBit/s data transport capabilities
  • Full VC-12 granularity allowing single-layer access without VC-4 layer
  • Metro core deployment
Marconi® MSH Series
  • Family of STM Multiplexers, Regenerators and Cross Connects
  • MSH11C, MSH41C, MSH51C, MSH63, MSH64, MSH64C and MSH86 Models.
Marconi® MSH2K
  • Foundation of Marconi’s switching portfolio
  • DXC functionality, capacity of 320GBit/s
  • Support for STM-1 to STM-64 electrical interfaces
  • Embedded DWDM and support of SDH protection / restoration
  • Seamless transition from Ring to Mesh network architectures
  • Capable of upgrade to Multi-Layer Switch (MLS)
  • Metro core deployment
Marconi® MSH64C
  • Based on same platform as MSH2K
  • Core ADM/XC, 80GBit/s switch, capacity of 32 x STM-64 interfaces
  • Consolidating and grooming traffic.
  • Gigabit Ethernet interfaces for data transport
  • Embedded DWDM interfaces

From 2007, Ericsson launched the (still) Marconi® branded OMS (Optical Multi Service) portfolio of advanced SDH multiplexers, including OMS 1200, OMS 1400 and OMS 1600 providing multi-service products for Metro-Edge and Metro networks. The “Marconi” brand was later dropped by Ericsson for this OMS range.

OMS 1200 range
  • Range of SDH ADM
  • Optimised for ring and terminal applications
OMS1200 series
OMS 1400 range
  • Compact energy efficient multiservice and packet optical transport.
  • Optimized for use in Metro Access networks
  • Carrier class Ethernet and TDM services interworking with metro and core Networks based on SDH, Ethernet or IP/MPLS
  • Applications ranging from high capacity customer sites, fixed or mobile backhaul/Radio Access Network (RAN) aggregation and transport
OMS 1600 range
  • Compact, multiservice transport and switching platform
  • Terminal, Add/Drop and Cross-connect multiplexers
  • Line, ring, star and meshed networks
  • Modular configurability, comprehensive switching options
  • High port density reducing space and power consumption
  • Range of data and TDM services, fulfilling ITU- T G.782 requirements
OMS1600 Series

The OMS range provided packet evolution capabilities to Ericsson’s optical networking portfolio and strengthened its Full Service Broadband offering, meeting the demand from operators to evolve their network to support a mix of services and traffic types, with dexterous backhaul connectivity, TDM or Ethernet-based, with telecom quality, flexibility and scalability.

Perhaps this ‘potted history’ helps explain the ’journey’ these products took, and clarifies why they can be referred to as both Nokia and Marconi, or indeed Ericsson. Although now discontinued by these manufacturers, the products are extensively deployed and still in use by Telecoms Operators, Utilities and Transport companies.

Supporting ‘Legacy’ Networks and Keeping Customers Operational

From time-to-time Customers benefit from services from @YellowsBestLtd

  • Locating Nokia, Marconi, Ericsson (and other vendors) hard-to-find replacement items
  • Hardware repair services to existing parts
  • Supplying additional spares for newer systems to increase capacity or provide alternative interfaces

This way these ‘legacy’ but still important networks can continue to be maintained and kept operational.

To illustrate the possible requirements for spares and repairs, some key parts from the above networking technologies are listed, as follows:

Nokia - Synfonet


Part Code Family Description
STM-4 (T30023.01 – 71.02) Synfonet STM-4 card
STM-16 (T30172.02 – .06) Synfonet 2 x STM-1/4 WDM Mux
WDM MUX (T30172.41) Synfonet 2 x STM-1/4 WDM Mux
STM-1 E/140M (T3033.01) Synfonet 140Mbit/s STM-1 electrical IU
34M/45M (T30046.02) Synfonet 34/45Mbit/s electrical IU
2M TA (T30041.01 – 43.01) Synfonet 2Mbit/s interface units
CU (T30073.01) Synfonet Node control and timing unit
SSW (T30053.01) Synfonet System Switch Unit
SU-A (T30084.01) Synfonet Service unit / EOW
SPIU (T30093) Synfonet PSU Card
TSW0 (T30110.01) Synfonet 64 kbit/s cross-connect unit
TSW1 (T30063.01) Synfonet Cross-connect unit for STM-4
Marconi - SMA / MSH


Part Code Family Description
02HAM00002AAJ SMA-1/4 21 X 2M LTU Balanced
02HAM00003AAL SMA-1/4 63 X 2M LTU Unbalanced
03HAT00010AAS SMA-1/4 10/100MB Ethernet Module
1HAM61217AAK SMA-1/4 Power Unit
1HAT 60796 AKU SMA-16 STM-16 OPT.TCM AHK S16.1 (SC)
1HAK 60596 AAE SMA-16 STM-16 RX OPT S16.1
1HAK 60701 ABM SMA-16 STM-16 TX OIC 1310nm (FC/PC)
1HAT 60730 ADL SMA-16 STM-16 LINE UNIT 1550nm (FC/PC)
1HAT 60730 AJX SMA-16 STM-16 LINE UNIT 1310nm (FC/PC)
1HAT 60730 AMA SMA-16 STM-16 L-16.1 SC
1HAT 60730 ANS SMA-16 STM-16 L-16.2/3 SC
SN99AD SMA-16 Power Supply Unit
Part Code Family Description
133-1467/01 MSH86 Matrix Shelf
131-9475/21 MSH64 STM-64 S64.2 SC/PC
131-9475/22 MSH64 STM-64 L/V/U64.2 SC/PC
131-8685/01 MSH11C 3 X 34MBit/s Tributary Unit G.703
133-1260/01 MSH84 MSH86 Shelf Type 5
130-3118/01 MSH84 Trib Matrix Board
130-3132/01 MSH84 Control Matrix Sub Unit
130-3142/01 MSH84 Main Control Sub Unit
1MBD60697AAT MSH2K Shelf
02MBB00001ABG MSH2K S-16.1 Module, LC
02MBB00001ACY MSH2K L-16.1 Module, LC
02MBB00001ADR MSH2K L-16.2 Module, LC
Ericsson – OMS


Part Code Family Description
03HAG00001AAX OMS1200 A/D Mux System Chassis
03HAM0019AAQ OMS1200 HI Power DC Supply
03HAN00007AAH OMS1200 AC Power & Battery Backup
03HAN00009AAM OMS1200 Fan Unit
03HAT00041AAQ OMS1200 Common Control ADM Unit-A
03HAT00041ABH OMS1200 Common Control ADM Unit-B
03HAT00045ABR OMS1200 Ethernet Prnt Card
1HAT61107ABC OMS1200 64 x 2M Core Trib Card
1HBA60828AAX OMS1200 32x 2M Unbalanced LTU
1HBA60832AAA OMS1200 32x 2M Balanced LTU
1HAT61106BAE OMS1200 Comm/Aux/ANC Unit
1HAM61217ABC OMS1200 Power LTU Mod
Part Code Family Description
03HA500032AAC OMS1664 STM-1 Switch Card
03HAM00006AAT OMS1664 STM-1 Line Terminating Card
03HAM00015AAG OMS1664 10/100 Electrical LTU-Type 2 (SK57BC)
03HAT00015AAD OMS1664 STM-4 Line Card
03HAT00016AAF OMS1664 STM-4/16 Core Card
03HAT00021AAK OMS1664 STM-16 Line Card
03HAT00020AAH OMS1664 STM-64 Line Card
03HAT00029ACM OMS1664 16xE1
03HAT00053AAK OMS1664 140M Transmux Card
03HAT00057ABL OMS1664 Ethernet L2 Data Switch Prnt Card
03HAT00054AAM OMS1664 Ethernet Layer 2 (8+16 Ports) (SK58AB)
1HAG60619AAK OMS1664 Standard Shelf
1HAG60620AAF OMS1664 Compact Shelf

Please get in touch and let us know what you need to keep your network in good shape!

Reduce Reuse Recycle

@YellowsBestLtd helps Customers with their operational needs, and one aspect is to #Reduce the demand for avoidable whole-scale replacements through a combination of supply for #Reuse of refurbished spares and repair of system elements. When removal and disposal of no-longer serviceable infrastructure parts is necessary, we can also assist with the resale and #Recycle for ‘value recovery’ of valuable materials.

Most customers have implemented their private network infrastructure systems over a number of years, and for many their operational requirements have not changed. Consequently, it makes more sense both financially and environmentally to maintain these systems rather than embark on complete change-outs. We can assist by supplying critical and hard-to-find spare parts and hardware repair services, even when the systems have been declared ‘obsolete’ (i.e. no longer in production) by the O.E.M.

Eventually there does come a time when it proves necessary to remove and replace network infrastructure. Rather that simply discarding the old system elements, we can provide ‘value recovery’ to the Customer by means of resale of working parts and recycling of components, extracting useful materials. This often proves financially beneficial, generating a source of funds which helps to pay for the replacement systems, as well as providing an ethical means of disposing of unwanted parts with the least environmental impact.

Please get in touch should you wish to discuss your operational requirements and see how @YellowsBestLtd can be of assistance.


Recommended reading on the wider aspects of ‘The Future of Waste’ can be found in:

@TheIET @EandTmagazine Volume-12_Issue-11

Nokia ‘Dynanet’ – Still Operating, Still in Demand!

Nokia ‘Dynanet’ PDH Telecommunications Product Portfolio

Still Operating, and Still in Demand!

We’re pleased to have recently helped Customers locate additional spares of this incredibly reliable and therefore popular telecommunications infrastructure equipment.

The range was originally produced by Nokia, and has been extensively deployed and in operational service around the world for over 20 years. It has formed the backbone of PDH and Access networks for many Customers across the Telecom Operator, Utilities and Transportation market sectors.

Recent Requirements

We’ve recently supplied Customers with these spare parts:

  • Smart Branching Unit (TU 21743)
  • DC/DC converter -24..-48V / -48V,-60V (21263)

These represent popular choices, but see below for an extended list of other immediately available items.

Future Dependability

It makes sense for Customers to use these spares as replacements as well as to add additional capacity to their existing networks, given the faultless performance of the products, rather than undertake costly and time-consuming wholesale replacements, given that in many case their basic telecommunications  requirements have not  changed.

Plus the ‘Dynanet’ product range has proven itself to be dependable over an extended period. How many of the latest products will be available in 5 or 10 years’ time, let alone in over 20 years?

Dynanet – an overview

 Nokia DYNANET is a family of multiplex, branching, cross-connect and line equipment.

The DM2 equipment has been designed for multiplexing analogue speech and signalling as well as data channels of different bit rates into a common 2 Mbit/s frame. The dynamic branching equipment DB2 and the cross-connect equipment DN2 increase the flexibility and application range in the DYNANET family.

The DYNACARD data channel unit selection covers the bit rates from 0.3 kbit/s up to 1984 kbit/s compliant with the V- or X-series of the ITU-T Recommendations. Other DYNACARD channel units provide specialised interfacing functions for Voice and Data applications.

The heart of the equipment is a MUX unit which is common to all channel and special units of the DM2 system. The MUX unit communicates through a 2 Mbit/s internal bus with the tributary units and carries out the 2048 kbit/s framing according to ITU-T G.732 standard.

The common MUX unit also inserts the signalling information into time slot 16 or provides the time slot 16 as a 64 kbit/s data interface, e.g., for use with a separate signalling equipment.

Analogue and digital services are realised with interface-specific channel units that connect to the DYNACARD bus. The channel units contain from one to ten voice channels, depending on the complexity of the interface.

Each individual voice or data channel can use any 64 kbit/s time slot, several time slots or only part of the capacity of one time slot. The allocation of time slots to different voice/data channels is independent of physical unit placement.

The DYNACARD VF channel unit selection provides analogue interface with signalling adaptation ranging from subscriber signalling to various types of junction line signalling. The signalling can be either channel associated or common channel signalling. In subscriber applications subscriber line testing is also available.

Immediately available from Refurbished Stock

Here is a list of items currently available from refurbished stock. All in excellent working condition, and can be delivered in a matter of days. No long lead time! But do remember that many items may be in short supply, so worth acting now and purchasing any spares you might need to avoid future disappointment!

Part Number Description
24204 TPSO H/W Module
CC 24002 DB2 Branching Unit, B2 2×2 Mb/s 75 ohm
CC 24011 DB2 2 Mb/s Switching Unit, X2 75 ohm
CC 24111 DN2 Control Unit (CU) 75 ohm
CF 24186.09 DN2 Subrack 19″, grey-L91 EMC
CG 24170 DN2 Bus Power Unit (BPU)
CU 24013 Data Interface Unit (DIU) 2M, nx64k: G.703/704, 75 ohm
CU 24101 DN2 Interface Unit (IU2) 2×2 Mb/s 75 ohm
T30506.09 17-slot DYNANET Subrack
T30851.02 Subrack Power Adapter (SPA)
T37870.01 NDM 19in 17-slot subrack
T37882.01 NDM DC Unit (NDUe)
T37889.01 NDM Backup Unit (NBU)
T65580.01 ACL2i PF GEN Line Terminal Card
TA 21513 Optical Line Terminal Repeater 2-8 M, 1300 nm LED MM/SM
TA 21516 Optical Line Terminal Repeater 2-8 M, 1300 nm LASER SM
TC 21301 DM8 Multiplex Equipment, 75 ohm
TC 21710.01 TMS Adapter
TF 21090.09 Subrack 19″, (EMC), grey
TU 21122.5 Data Interface Unit (DIU) 48..64k V.11 10ch
TU 21125 Data Interface Unit (DIU) 48..64k with sync, X.21
TU 21236.10 Channel Unit (CU) 8ch E&M/uP: 2xe&m/vf

This represents a list of the most common elements Customers need, but please do contact us if there’s something specific you’d like us to seek out for you. Always happy to help!

Spares Solutions

Legacy Infrastructure Hardware Elements

Can we help you with sourcing any equipment or spare parts for old legacy or even new infrastructure systems?
Many customers are needing to keep systems and infrastructure maintained to prolong asset life. This is particularly important for ‘legacy’ equipment that is approved for use and very reliable but in many cases no longer manufactured.
So here’s the solution: speak to the team at YellowsBest about anything you need to source to keep your systems in operational service.

Equipment Types 

– telecommunications hardware infrastructure products
– technologies including optical transmission, PDH, SDH, C/DWDM, microwave radio, PMR / TETRA
– software solutions including OSS / NMS
– IT equipment including personal computers and server hardware
– ancillary equipment such as power supplies, filters, monitoring devices, consumables
– cabling, wiring looms and connectors

 Vendor Systems

– Alcatel / Lucent e.g. 1511 Max
– Apple e.g. PowerMac G5 / Pro
– Benning e.g. MCU1000
– Bosch e.g. DSK
– Brocade / Foundry e.g. 10G
– Ciena e.g. SM-A, CM-A
– Cisco e.g. ISR 4300 series
– ECI Telecom e.g. OPBFC
– Eltec e.g. AL 175 NT
– Ericsson e.g. OMS 846, 860, 870, 1600
– Ernitec e.g. M2504 M/2
– Extreme Networks e.g. Summit
– Keymile e.g. UMUX, UNEM, XMP1
– Huawei e.g. M1000
– IBM e.g. PS/2 Model 80
– Juniper e.g. SRX5400, EX3300
– GEC / Marconi e.g. SMA SDH
– MRV e.g. EM 316, 1600, 2003, 2004
– Newbridge e.g. MCP, CEB, TDS
– Nokia Telecommunications e.g. Dynanet PDH DM2 DB2 DN2, Synfonet SDH TSW0, NMS/10, NMS/100, DX220
– Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN e.g. Surpass HIG1100, HIE9200, HIQ8000 
– Nortel e.g. OTR, OCLD
– RAD e.g. Megaplex, ETX, ASMi, RADview
– Tellabs e.g. DM8, MX8
– Thomson e.g. Speed Touch
– Transmode e.g. MDU, OCU
– 3COM e.g. Baystack
Normally parts will be ‘2nd user’ working condition, where new items can no longer be sourced, but in some cases unused ‘last time buy’ surplus stocks or even remanufactured items can be supplied. 
Please check your services and solutions requirements. If there is anything you need, please contact us to discuss how we may be of assistance to your organisation.